Wednesday, January 4, 2012


My current class is ORC1, Organizational Behavior and I'm enjoying it. Nothing that I'm reading is too enlightening, that said I do not find it dry or dull either. Like many college courses, it causes me to re-evaluate (in some cases simply evaluate) my own behavior and interaction with others.

I still haven't ramped up to the pace I was maintaining last term but I'll get there soon. What can I say, The Old Republic has only been out for a few weeks...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Time to hit the books!

Well, I had two weeks of down time and enjoyed them to the fullest, but now it's time to get serious again. I completed 24 cu's my first term and I would like to duplicate that.

Tomorrow I start ORC1 and after that LET1. I would like to be finished with those by mid-February and then have all the time I need for Operating Systems. The final for Operating Systems is the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialists - Windows 7 certification and it's supposed to be quite difficult. I'll keep you posted...