Saturday, October 22, 2011

Project+ is over!

Whew! You know, I didn't like uCertify one bit. The practice exams they provide kept eating my lunch. However I scored 94% on the exam itself, so I suppose that's how it's supposed to be.

Don't ever see myself being a project manager but you never know, besides I learned ALOT and the fundamentals are quite applicable in everyday life.

Looking forward, my term ends on Dec. 31st and my goal is to complete Security + before that. Then start the new term off with the Windows 7 certification, which according to EVERYONE is a beast.

Stay tuned.....

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Project+ Blues

No, I didn't fail but I will be postponing my test by a week.  Four weeks was just a little too ambitious apparently.  Oh well; maybe I'm being a bit over-cautious but if I'm driving 5 hours to take a test there's isn't going to be a doubt in my mind that I'll pass and I'm just not there yet.

I need to have a deeper understanding of the terminology, plain and simple.  Hopefully one extra week will be enough....