Saturday, December 10, 2011

Security+ Passed!

What a relief; 3 weeks left in my first term and I'm done with Security +! I didn't study as hard for this one and consequently I didn't do as well, I scored an 85%. Not as gratifying as an A but I was ready to be done!

24 cu's in my first term here at WGU, not too shabby, eh?

I'm very glad to have chosen WGU as my school. I have learned an immense amount of information in such a short time. Now, to kick back for a week or two and play some games with the family and some Skyrim and Old Republic too!  Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Security+ Update

About 25% percent through the Labsim content and I must say it is full of information. I don't come from a security background so I'm learning a lot of interesting stuff. Taking my time and taking notes off of each and every fact sheet. So far my retention has been quite good.

On a side note I really need to customize this blog a bit more but then I need to get my website up. Oh well, one day at a time...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Project+ is over!

Whew! You know, I didn't like uCertify one bit. The practice exams they provide kept eating my lunch. However I scored 94% on the exam itself, so I suppose that's how it's supposed to be.

Don't ever see myself being a project manager but you never know, besides I learned ALOT and the fundamentals are quite applicable in everyday life.

Looking forward, my term ends on Dec. 31st and my goal is to complete Security + before that. Then start the new term off with the Windows 7 certification, which according to EVERYONE is a beast.

Stay tuned.....

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Project+ Blues

No, I didn't fail but I will be postponing my test by a week.  Four weeks was just a little too ambitious apparently.  Oh well; maybe I'm being a bit over-cautious but if I'm driving 5 hours to take a test there's isn't going to be a doubt in my mind that I'll pass and I'm just not there yet.

I need to have a deeper understanding of the terminology, plain and simple.  Hopefully one extra week will be enough....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

CIW Certified!

Well, I passed WSV1 and procured my CIW Web Design Specialist certification.  When I finished the exam I wondered whether or not I had passed but fortunately I rec'd a 91%, which felt great. The actual exam was worded much more ambiguously, in my opinion, than any of the practice exams I had used to prepare.

The day was tricky, because I had come from several hours away, so I showed up quite early just in case. When I arrived at the testing center I was told that 3 of the 5 machines the facility used exclusively for Pearson VUE testing were down.  The proctors felt that as long as they didn't log those machines out, I "should" be able to test.

I informed them that I had come from 5 hours North and the look on their face didn't inspire confidence.  However they put me in the brake room with tea, coffee and candy and I simply went over the exam guide. I tested an hour late but it worked out; I was able to complete a surface reading of the entire guide and I truly think that helped.

The staff at the facility were true professionals and down to Earth.  Since my sister lives 20 minutes away I think I've found a good place for future tests.

On to Project+!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

First Post

I started at WGU (Western Governors University) on July 1st, 2011 and thus far I am pleased. I've been learning a lot and by the 9th of September I should have competed my third class.

For my fellow WGU IT students this post is simply a requirement of WSV1 Lab 32-5, but what the hey? I might as well make it informative and useful, so I'll summarize my WGU experience thus far:

The curriculum and the various resources available to learn the curriculum are quite numerous and of good-quality. I enjoy the weekly chats with my mentor and I have utilized his knowledge to help plan my course schedule.  The current course mentor for WSV1, Adrian, is also an excellent resource and replies promptly to any question I pose.

I also enjoy the WGU forums ("communities"). One of the arguments credible individuals have made against online universities, degree's ect. is that they are or can be "anti-intellectual." My own feeling is that an intellectual will seek out intellectual experiences and the discussions that occur in some of the forum threads are as intellectual as anyone could desire. There now, enough of that word!

Once I finish WSV1 (Web Design) and earn my CIW Web Design Specialist certification, for kicks (and practical purposes) I will create my personal site/portfolio/resume page, for practice and exposure and with the idea of doing part-time technology consulting. My specific aim and short-term goal is to assist local seniors with all things electronic/technological, for a modest fee.

I'll do my best to update this blog with my progress (and setbacks) as often as time, my spouse, my daughters, my 2 Chihuahuas, work and school (of course) permit.

Thank you for reading!